JAKARTA - YouTube's limited mode is a feature that filters songs and videos with "potentially mature content". Even if you disable limited mode on your YouTube, you may need to enable it for your children's accounts.

According to the YouTube Help page, adult content is content aimed at viewers over 18 years of age. YouTube categorizes content to three levels: No adult content (default), light adult content, and adult content.

Like most features, you can enable YouTube's limited mode in YouTube Music suits on your phone or laptop. Here's how:

Enable YouTube Music Limited Mode On Mobile

Enable YouTube Music Limited Mode on mobile is quite easy. You only need to take three steps, follow the instructions that will be given by VOI:

Although YouTube Music notes that limited modes are not 100 percent accurate. activating this mode will reduce the chances of finding adult content while streaming.

Enable YouTube Music Limited Mode On Desktop

Actually, activating Limited Mode on YouTube Music via desktop is almost the same as doing it via a cellphone. However, here are the steps:

Click the Minimum tab on the left and enable Limited Mode

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