JAKARTA - The United States Chamber of Commerce on Thursday 9 March stated the need for artificial intelligence (AI) technology arrangements to ensure that the technology does not jeopardize growth or become a national security risk. This is a different attitude from usual groups of entrepreneurs who oppose regulation.

While no legislation has yet been proposed for AI, the fast-growing artificial intelligence program, ChatGPT, which has been lauded for its ability to quickly write answers to various questions, has raised US legislators' concerns about its impact on national security and education.

The Chamber of Commerce report argues that policymakers and business leaders should immediately step up their efforts to establish a regulatory framework based on risks to ensure AI is used responsibly.

The report added that AI is expected to add 13 trillion US dollars (Rp201,513 trillion) to global economic growth by 2030 and has made important contributions such as overcoming the shortage of hospital nurses and mapping out forest fires to accelerate the response of emergency workers. The report emphasizes the need for humans to be ready to face the spread and potential dangers of the technology.

The report states that in the next 20 years, "almost every" business and government agency will use AI.

As a result of the artificial intelligence commission founded by the Chamber of Commerce last year, the report is in part an acknowledgment of the critical role that will be played by the business community in the implementation and management of AI.

Despite calling for more regulations, the Chamber of Commerce remains cautious by noting that there is a broad possibility of how regulations are implemented.

"Instead of trying to develop a regulatory framework that is suitable for all, this AI regulatory approach allows the development of the best flexible and specialized guidelines and practices for industry," the report said.

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