JAKARTA - The Sriwijaya Air SJ182 plane with the Jakarta-Pontianak flight route reportedly crashed in the Thousand Islands area. Flight Radar noted that this flight was operated by a 'classic' Boeing B737-500 aircraft.
"The first flight of this aircraft was conducted in May 1994 (aged 26 years)," wrote the Flight Radar application, Saturday, January 9.
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has even warned that Sriwijaya Air's Boeing B737-500 is one of the troubled fleets. One of them is the potential for the engine to die in the air.
The following is the specification of Sriwijaya Air's "classic" B737-500 compiled from Boeing's official website:
1. Aircraft Dimensions
The B737-500 (originally known as the 737 Lite and 737-1000) incorporates a model fuselage length from -200, with various increases in -300 and -400
The B737-500 has a wingspan of 28.9 meters. The length of this aircraft reaches 31 meters from nose to tail.

2. Cab Capacity
The B737-500 cabin is divided into two classes, which can accommodate 110 passengers. On the Sriwijaya Air SJ182 flight, the aircraft carried 62 passengers, including two pilots and four cabin crew.
The aircraft has an empty weight of 31,950 (kg). The maximum payload that the B737-500 can carry is 14,770 (kg).
3. Age of the aircraft
The B737-500 aircraft is a classic series produced by Boeing in the 1984-2000 period. A total of 388 aircraft have been built, 199 of which are still serving flights.
Currently, Basarnas is conducting a search in the Thousand Islands as a suspected point of losing contact with the Sriwijaya Air plane. The plane lost contact four minutes after taking off from Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Tangerang, Banten to Pontianak.
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