JAKARTA - As we all know for a long time, online game service provider Lyto has officially closed the Crossfire server in Indonesia since 2020, although it has only been operating for 2 years since its launch.

Even though it has been blocked in Indonesia, the Crossfire is still being attended at the SEA Games world event, including in 2023. At the previous SEA Games, the Indonesian national team managed to donate bronze for the Crossfire number.

Discussing on how to train athletes who will defend Indonesia in Cambodia later, the Indonesian national team Crossfire coach, Andrew Joseph a.k.a Bali revealed the way athletes train.

The man who is familiarly called Bali admitted that the Indonesian national team itself trained through foreign servers. The training was also carried out at PBESI's training ground. With some of the challenges that exist.

"So our training is to build an account on a server in the Philippines and create an account on a Vietnamese server. So it is provided by PBESI, so we have prepared a premium VPN, so we have trained it there," said Bali in an interview on the PBESI Instagram account.

On the other hand, esports sports for the Mobile Legends numbers: Bang Bang and PUBG Mobile admit that they already have a list of ships competing in the SEA Games 32 in Cambodia. However, each coach refused to name names, prior to the official announcement from PBESI.

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