JAKARTA - February is indeed synonymous as a month of love. What's more, if you participate in celebrating Valentine's Day which falls on February 14.

When celebrating Valentine's Day, gifts such as chocolate, flowers, and love letters are gifts that you may get from your partner.

If chocolate and flowers can be bought, your partner may be happier to get a letter based on your own heart. However, not everyone says that.

Therefore, in London itself, there is a business that sells personalized greeting cards, flowers and gifts. The company's name is Moonpig.

Although already famous for the personalized prizes, it turns out that Moonpig is also thinking about integrating their efforts with ChatGPT, which is currently on the rise.

This means that customers will be able to use a wider and larger language model to write personalized messages on their greeting cards.

Moonpig chief executive Nickul Rai Thatha said they had invested heavily in embedding AI into its platform, by using machine learning to generate personalized recommendations and promotions.

"The latest developments open up exciting new possibilities, and we are experimenting with how this can be used to help our customers write inspiralal messages and create their own card designs in the future," Rai Thatha told The Times, citing DailyMail on Wednesday, February 1.

Not only that, the card-making service provider is also considering integrating DALL-E into its online store, using text-to-image tools that are also developed by OpenAI.

With this integration, Moonpig envisions that this DALL-E widget will allow customers to change existing images, or create them themselves, for the front of their card.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)