JAKARTA - There is something a little different if you open the timeline on Twitter right now. Elon Musk's social media seems to change the font (letter) type differently than usual. At first glance, those who don't really pay attention may not feel the change.

These small changes, such as Twitter not suddenly turning to serial fonts or the like, are common to a social media platform. But a quick search on Twitter shows that I'm not the only one paying attention to those changes, and my co-workers are also aware of them.

It was not clear why Twitter changed the font, and they also did not immediately reply to requests for comment from different media questioning the meaning of the change. Moreover, Twitter currently does not have a public relations division, where the media can ask directly.

Twitter has also not posted anything on @TwitterSupport, where they usually share a lot of things related to the latest product update, including font types that now appear to be more eye catching with thick and thin games.

However, some people speculate that Twitter is changing the font to make it easier to identify imitators. Molly White, author of Web3 is Going Just Great as reported by The Verge, noticed that zero has a slanted line, and it is also easier to know the difference between the big letters i and the small letters L, meaning it may now be more difficult for bad actors who seem legitimate to use the trick.

However, this change does not directly affect all devices. Even though it has appeared on the web, the old iOS font application still exists.

This font change was greeted with various reactions. Some call it ugly even in Indonesia some call it a lay' font.

Changes in Twitter fonts themselves are not an extraordinary thing. Because in 2021, Twitter also had time to make font changes on the platform.

The English, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and French versions are automatically generated by the AI. So there may still be inaccuracies in translating, please always see Indonesian as our main language. (system supported by DigitalSiber.id)