7 Powerful Tips For Saving Cellphone Battery At Christmas
Illustration / Android Central

JAKARTA - Christmas celebrations have arrived, and moments with family have become the most eagerly awaited, especially when planning a holiday together, all kinds of activities cannot be missed.

For that, you need a smartphone that can accompany and record all activities with your family at any time, if you feel that carrying a camera is too heavy.

And of course smartphones are expected to have long battery life, but only a few cell phones have a large battery capacity. Check out the following tips so that your cellphone battery lasts a long time while enjoying the Christmas celebration with your family, quoted from various sources, Friday, December 25.

1. Turn off location services

This one method is quite helpful, especially if you are in a location with a minimum signal, activating location services will make the battery drain faster than when in an area with a strong signal.

Because the GPS receiver on a smartphone is in the form of a small chip that always gives an estimate of where we are at all times. If we activate location services, the smartphone will continue to receive signals to carry out accurate location tracking. This can make the smartphone battery drain.

2. Turn off phone notifications

Even though receiving notifications from applications is considered useful, such as incoming messages or emails, we recommend that you turn off notifications in applications that are considered useless.

Like a game application that reminds users to play it again so as not to drain the battery when receiving the notification.

In addition, it is also recommended to disable the mobile phone's vibrate mode for notifications in general. This method can also make the battery power on the cellphone used not drain significantly.

3. Keep the phone temperature stable

What is the ideal temperature for the smartphone to keep working properly? The ideal temperature for lithium-ion batteries is 0 degrees Celsius and 45 degrees Celsius.

When the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius, the amount of power available in the battery will decrease. This is due to restrictions on the movement of lithium metal and lithium ions in the electrodes through the electrolyte.

Meanwhile, temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius will make the battery quickly decrease. When the sun is hot, the battery will lose its ability to store power.

That is why the use of smartphones in direct sunlight should be avoided, especially for a long time.

4. Close the application if it has been used

By closing applications that are already in use, you can save quite a long battery life. Because it is considered to be able to make the RAM on your device not work too hard.

If a large number of them are opened at the same time, it can cause more RAM to work, and have an impact on the battery power in the phone.

Just open the application that is needed, if you are finished using it, it is hoped that it will completely close it, not just minimize it.

5. Lower the screen brightness

When outdoors, it is difficult for us to look at the smartphone screen. Do not run out of ideas, this can be overcome by increasing the brightness or brightness of the screen

However, a screen that's too bright will drain the phone battery faster. The brighter the screen, the more power it needs.

Because, the LCD screen with maximum brightness will reduce the battery by 8 percent per hour. Meanwhile, if the screen type used is an LED, the battery will drain 20 percent per hour.

6. Do not take pictures or record using the flash lamp

Almost all smartphones today provide LED flash facilities to support brighter or brighter photos or videos.

But in truth, this method can drain a lot of cellphone batteries. To make your device battery power last longer, it is recommended not to use this feature.

It should be noted, the LED flash also uses the power source of your phone battery. It is recommended to turn off this feature when you want to take pictures or record videos.

7. Don't forget to activate the power saving mode

If you are really in a crucial situation, and your cellphone battery is running low but you have to keep recording the Christmas celebration moments, you can try this option.

Just activate battery saving mode. On iOS, there is a Low Power Mode option and Android has a Power Saving Mode.

This software can modify CPU usage to reduce energy consumption. For information, there are several features that cannot be used after activating a power saving mode like this.

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