JAKARTA - Meta Platform Inc., has paid more than two million dollars (Rp 31.2 billion) to be given to Bug Hunter or Bug Bounty who managed to report a number of bugs and security research on the Meta platform during 2022.

Bug Bounty itself is a program or initiative carried out by a software company, organization, or developer to appreciate someone who finds bugs on its platform.

With the addition of Rp31.2 billion from this year's bug reward payments, the total number of prizes for the security research community has increased to more than 16 million dollars (Rp249 billion), since it first started in 2011.

"Our Bug Bounty program continues to play an important role this year in enabling collaboration between our internal and external researchers to find and fix bugs across our applications. This year, we have presented about 750 reports of bounce bugs by the security research community," Meta said in its announcement.

According to Mark Zuckerberg's company, the program that finds and reports safety bugs really helps Meta in strengthening broader internet security.

Going forward, Meta will be making updates to the Bug Bounty program, which includes finding new ways to work with external researchers to help secure our virtual reality metaverse and mixed reality technologies.

"We also set new payment guidelines with prizes ranging from US$300K thousand (Rp4.6 billion), and made our program one of the highest paying players in the industry," he said.

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