JAKARTA - Some time ago, Ford Motor Company announced its strategy partnership with Manufacture 2030 (M2030) to help Ford suppliers meet Ford's targets of carbon neutrality by 2050 globally, and by 2035 in Europe.

With this partnership, it made Ford the first American automaker to join Manufacture 2030, and the first to enter its global supply chain into the platform.

The M2030 itself is designed to help suppliers measure, manage and reduce carbon emissions. Ford will work closely with the international community to limit the impact of global warming as part of the Paris Climate Agreement.

"Achieving carbon neutrality for Ford is an important and integral company goal with our goal of helping to build a better world," said Jonathan total, Ford Global Vice President, Supply Chain on its website.

He said, in order to achieve its target, the company must cut emissions across the chain, especially from purchasing energy, goods, and services.

"M2030 is a key program for Ford to help us all not only in reporting emissions but also in shaping realistic action plans and shortcuts to achieve our goals," he concluded.

In the first phase of its partnership with M2030, Ford offered a voluntary platform to more than 5,000 Tier 1 global supplier locations covering more than 66 countries, including suppliers who have not set a science-based carbon reduction target.

Then, the M2030 platform helps suppliers identify what measures must be taken to measure, manage, and reduce carbon emissions and reduce costs as they draw up a carbon neutrality plan.

This is a strong example of how Ford's scaling and proven industrial expertise can help accelerate the transition to EVs and support diverse supply chains that are good for humans and planets, and good for businesses, Cynthia Williams said, Global Director of Sustainability, Homologation and Compliance at Ford.

When it comes to building strong demand for its new electric vehicle, Ford has a target of making 600,000 EVs by the end of 2023 and more than 2 million by 2026.

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