JAKARTA - YouTube has re-launched a feature for its content creators, namely the new Direct Response Tanya feature or Live Q&A to help creators interact directly with their audiences.

The company says this new feature makes Live Streaming events more interactive. Creators can create and manage question and answer sessions in live chat during streaming and premiere using Live Control Room (LCR).

To create Live Q&A, follow the following steps. When creators create Live Q&A, their request will appear as messages that are pinped at the top of the live chat, then viewers can send their questions.

Furthermore, when the creator finds the question he wants to answer, the creator can embed it to be displayed and everyone knows what the response creator is.

Creators can also embed other questions, and that will replace what is at the top of the list. After finishing with a question and answer session, creators can return to the previous chat room.

This new feature also comes with Live Polls, another way for creators to interact with their Live Streaming audiences. The question will be raised by the same system, allowing creators to moderate live chats.

This means that creators can block words, hold back from being reviewed, and report questions. Launching The Verge, Friday, November 11, YouTube continues to improve its live streaming platform to compete with Twitch.

Therefore, the company also added a number of other features to make the chat more attractive to content creators.

The feature is Super Chat, which allows viewers to pay to have pin-affixed comments and Super Thanks, which is basically a tip. However, Live Q&A doesn't directly help creators earn money.

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