YOGYAKARTA The year 2022 is approaching its end. A number of laptop vendors have introduced their products this year, including a laptop manufacturer from Taiwan, Acer. They even revealed the 2023 laptop trend.

Laptop Trend 2023

President Director of Acer Indonesia, Hernet Ang said, the laptop trend next year will lead to laptops that have large, lightweight, and also powerful or strong screens.

Herbalet said this because in 2023, the hybrid work system will still be implemented in many companies. Not only in Indonesia, but also abroad.

"Several positions will still carry a 100 percent hybrid work system even though the Covid-19 pandemic has been completed. To work on a hybrid, a device that has special features is needed," Herbaet said, quoted by VOI from Idxchannel, Friday, October 14, 2022.

"What kind of device is needed? Yes, of course, those who have large wealths, lightweight weights, and also powerful. That's the laptop trend in 2023," continued Hermet.

Herbalet assessed that these three features will make it easier for users in the hybrid system.

Specifically for laptops to sail wide, Herbaet said this feature is very crucial, because workers are required to look at the screen for a long time.

"The big screen tenru will make the eyes more comfortable. In contrast to the small screen, the impact can make the eyes tired because of the long screen time," concluded Herbert.

Please note, this year, Lenovo is the most searched laptop brand in the global market.

Besides Lenovo, what are the laptop brands trending in 2022?

Based on data from IDC and Gartner, there are six laptop brands that dominate the technology market in Indonesia. The full information can be seen in the following reviews.

6 Best Popular Laptop Brands According to IDC and Gartner

Please note, in 2022, sales of PCs and laptops have decreased due to the pandemic and geopolitical challenges.

The sale of traditional PCs in the second quarter of this year was only 71.3 units. This happened because there was a supply imbalance and demand, replacing Bhinneka.

According to IDC, lists of the most popular laptop and PC brands in 2022 include:

In the second quarter of 2022, the first recall of the most popular laptop brand is still held by Lenovo with a market share of 24.6 percent. The second position is occupied by HP, followed by Dell, Acer, apple, and ASUS.

Similar to IDC, according to Gartner global research and advisory company sales of PCs and laptops around the world also contracted in Q2 2022. PC and laptop shipments fell 12.6 percent compared to the second quarter of 2021.

This decline occurred due to various factors, such as geopolitical challenges, the economy, and unbalanced supply chains on all regional markets.

Not only that, the decline in sales of laptops and PCs in the second quarter of 2022 was also caused by Russian military attacks on Ukraine, inflationary pressure on spending, and a sharp decline in chromebook demand.

Gartner then distributed a number of laptop brands that were the best-selling in the second quarter of 2022. The list is as follows:

That's information about the 2023 laptop trend and the most popular laptop brand this year.

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