JAKARTA - During the pandemic, many offices and employees still carry out WFH as a way to get work done but stay safe at home. Fortunately, in this pandemic period, technology has developed well so that employees are quite facilitated with various technologies to complete work. One of the technological developments that are useful for the office is the problem of employee absenteeism.

Now there are lots of employee attendance systems that can be done online which of course also provides convenience during this pandemic, for example, the Talenta online employee attendance system. Why does the online employee attendance system have to be used by companies during this pandemic? Here's a review Why should you use online employee absences for companies?

1. Absence of employees at home is getting easier

In this pandemic period, companies must continue to think about the health conditions of their employees but work must also continue, one of the options is to implement WFH or work from home where employees work from home. HRD and owner must continue to assess employee performance properly starting from employee absences to work targets. An online employee attendance system can help HRD to assess employee performance easily. How to?

In the online employee attendance system, there is a time tracker feature so that it can detect the time of entry and exit of employees properly. Where information on attendance and hours of return of employees can be directly input properly to HRD. So the assessment of employees who are late or on time can be done properly. There is no need to use the manual method because the assessment can be done well.

2. Avoiding Absent Groups / Queues During WFO

During WFO, the manual absent method usually uses a fingerprint where this absent method creates gangs of employees. Using an online employee attendance system, companies can avoid groups of employees when absent because online employee absences simply use their respective smartphones, and take attendance using selfie cameras. That way entering the office while working is safer because it doesn't use one medium to take turns or in groups.

3. Easier Permit Application

When WFO and WFH generally apply for permits only via private messages, even though this is not appropriate. Even HRD must also conduct an assessment manually if they are still using the conventional absent method. Using an online employee attendance system, HRD does not need to manually collect data because the employee's permission has been entered into the employee attendance data. Employees can do permission through the online employee attendance system easily and of course, the HRD will know it well. One of the online employee attendance systems that facilitates this licensing problem is the Talenta online employee attendance system.

4. Reducing Employee Fraud

The online employee attendance system has a GPS setting where employees can only be absent from employees in a predetermined area or at a certain point. The company can set an area or point for employee absences in the office area so that employees can only be absent at that point. This is one way to reduce employee fraud because using an online employee attendance system can display real-time employee attendance data properly.

5. More Accurate Employee Assessment

Using an online employee attendance system, in addition to making it easier for employees to take employee absences every day, also makes it easier for HRD to assess employee performance properly and easily. All incoming data from employees will be properly inputted into HRD. HRD can also access all employee absent data and employee performance properly, where this can only be accessed by the HRD team so that employee assessments can be carried out accurately, easily, and well systemically.

So when the payroll comes, HRD doesn't have to worry about taking care of these employee performance appraisals, because, with the online employee attendance system, all data has been systemized both at WFO and WFH, so the results of employee performance can be seen immediately.

6. Data-Based Assessment

An objective HRD assessment is very important for employees because it is fairer and by existing data. Sometimes there are still subjective assessments of employees, this happens due to a lack of accurate and well-systematic information. Using an online employee attendance system, employees can get an objective assessment from HRD based on the real performance that he has been doing so far. There is no subjective word, all assessments are based on data.

7. Increase Employee Productivity

A fair and objective assessment will indirectly give employees the motivation to give their best because the assessment is also based on their performance. Every employee certainly wants to have a good track record in the company, and with an online employee attendance system, employee productivity can increase.

8. Time efficiency

The benefits of time efficiency can be felt by HRD as well as by employees. Each of them is on a smartphone, so employees don't waste time queuing at the fingerprint. So as soon as they arrive at the office or workplace, employees can immediately be present according to their arrival time. Real-time and accurate time for employees, will not waste time in the morning.

In addition to employees, efficiency is also felt by HRD which manages employee data, there is no need to do manual assessments, especially with hundreds to thousands of employees, it must be very complicated, using the HRD online employee attendance system saves more time for employee assessments because the data has been recorded correctly. good and clear. Moreover, the data can be observed using only a laptop or PC so that it can monitor employee performance anytime and anywhere properly.

Appropriate for companies that implement Work From Home (WFH)

Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, maybe companies that applied the WFH concept could be counted on the fingers. The need for remote attendance is not a priority for the company.

However, with the pandemic, many businesses are increasingly aware that they need to adapt. One of them is through an attendance system that previously had to be in the office, and can now be used online.

The pandemic has forced companies engaged in non-essential fields to require their employees to work at home or WFH to minimize the spread of COVID-19. With the company setting WFH, of course, the use of attendance machines can no longer be optimized.

The solution to implementing an online presence system is ultimately the most ideal solution when dealing with WFH situations. Let's see how Talenta's online presence system works.

Talenta has a feature called Live Attendance that allows employees to take attendance anywhere on the Talenta mobile application.

Employees can be absent by taking selfies and the system can find out the location where the employee is absent. HR can also take advantage of this feature to find out whether employees are really WFH or not.

Later, after the employee has successfully submitted attendance, the data will be updated in the system in real-time. HR also no longer needs to recap attendance every month.

Cost efficiency

The use of an online presence system is arguably more cost-effective. The reason is, you no longer need to buy extra devices to get started. Unlike the attendance machine where you have to buy the device.

Because it generally relies on cloud technology, this system can be run without having devices such as servers. Enough laptops for HR or smartphones for employees, after the software is installed and all attendance needs have been set up, the online attendance application can be used to record employee attendance. The cost is also relatively cheaper than the maintenance and purchase of other attendance machines.

What Do You Need To Be Able To Have Online Employees?

Even though online employee attendance is quite easy and economical, both companies and employees need the means to be present so that absenteeism can be carried out smoothly every day. Some of the tools needed for online attendance are:

1. Smartphone

Smartphones are one of the main tools used in online attendance. This smartphone must have been owned by every employee because now the smartphone has become a basic need. Smartphones that support online absences are smartphones that have an active front camera and GPS features that can function properly.

2. Internet

Second after smartphones is the internet. The online employee attendance system can be accessed using the internet or online. Without the internet, the application will not work. Being the main medium for online attendance, companies must provide good internet access to employees. For example, the company's WIFI, so that every morning and evening employees can attend properly and easily.

3. PC/Computer

This PC and computer are the media needed by the admin of the online employee attendance system such as the HRD Team. All incoming information from employees will be entered into the online application system, so HRD must check properly every day, checking can be done using a laptop or computer so that access is easier and clearer. If necessary, the data can also be printed independently.

The online employee attendance system is one of the most useful technological developments during this pandemic. Employees can easily be absent anywhere and HRD can assess employees accurately. One of the online employee attendance systems that can help you easily is the Mekari Talenta online employee attendance system, which has many useful features so that absenteeism and employee performance can be done easily, quickly, and efficiently.

Conclusion Regarding the Advantages of Online Attendance Applications

Those were some of the reasons why you need to migrate and start implementing an online presence system in your company.

Although it seems simple, with the presence of this online presence, your company can eliminate some of the obstacles that may have been a problem for a long time.

Among them:

  • No more wasted time in recapitulating attendance data and calculating employee salaries. The online presence attendance system will always update its data in real-time based on the incoming attendance at any time.
  • Save cost. The price is relatively cheap when compared to other attendance machines, besides that there is minimal installation because it is based on the HRIS cloud.
  • Reduce cheating. Employees are now no longer able to entrust their absences because the online system is much safer than other methods.
  • Solutions when implementing WFH and field employees. Employees who can not come to the office can be absent easily anywhere.
  • Mekari Talenta is an HRIS software that can be a solution to overcome the problem of attendance at your company.

Interested in trying the Talenta demo for free? Register your company immediately by visiting the talent.co website.

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