JAKARTA – The utilization of metaverse technology in Indonesia is still considered very lacking. Therefore, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Medan State University (Unimed) began to carry out socialization activities on the use of metaverse technology as an innovation for developing learning media to all lecturers within the faculty.

"Every lecturer must be more adaptive to existing changes. In Era 4.0, where technological developments are getting faster, lecturers must make adjustments in the use of relevant learning media, especially for generation Z," said the Dean of FMIPA Unimed Prof. Dr. Fauziyah Harahap MSi, in a written statement to Antara, Monday, June 6.

Fauziyah said that the lectures, which were initially carried out using blended learning, forced the COVID-19 pandemic to go online. However, the learning carried out is still monotonous and the interaction between fellow students and lecturers is still not optimal.

"FMIPA tries to innovate learning development through metaverse," he said.

The first step, Computer Science lecturers collaborate with students to build the FMIPA Unimed Building in the metaverse environment. The FMIPA Unimed Building product in the metaverse will soon be patented.

"Furthermore, there will be training for several representative lecturers in the FMIPA Unimed Study Program," said the Dean of FMIPA Unimed.

Meanwhile, Mathematics lecturer Didi Febrian, SSi, MSc explained that the metaverse which is a combination of aspects of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), social media and cryptocurrency has great potential in the world of education.

"To practice and practice dangerous activities, do the impossible, study history virtually with real experiences, learning media through the metaverse can be a solution," said Didi.

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