JAKARTA - Maybe you don't have to eat odading first to become Iron Man, like a viral video some time ago. The reason is, a robotics company in China has succeeded in making exoskeletons like the Marvel Iron Man superhero.

Launching the Dailystar page, Monday, October 19, the exoskeleton technology was developed by ULS Robotics to help human work. By wearing this equipment, it allows workers to lift heavier loads thus reducing injuries while working.

This exoskeleton equipment was developed by ULS Robotics with General Motors in the last few years. They also tested their equipment during the construction of Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Beijing Daxing for lifting heavy equipment.

Equipped with a lithium battery, users can be active for six to eight hours. Initially, this exoskeleton equipment was developed for the medical field by helping to stimulate the movement of persons with disabilities with limited mobility.

"Businesses have placed an emphasis on corporate social responsibility and labor protection (in an effort to avoid workplace-related injuries)," said ULS Robotics Founder Xu Zhenhua.

Zhenhua said the equipment has sensors that can improve user efficiency in automated procedures, make it easier to detect work inefficiencies and make adjustments.

“It's more difficult to know the status of workers. (But with) wearable equipment, it can help, ”he added.

The exoskeleton developed by ULS Robotics is divided into two separate parts between the upper and lower torso. The first device can be focused on the back up to the shoulders which is intended to reduce the burden on the hands when holding or lifting items.

exoskeleton trials (doc. ULS Robotics)

The other frame can be used to support the back down and the legs, allowing the user to carry loads of more than 50 kg without difficulty walking. Including reducing the potential for injury to the knee of the foot.

Not only ULS Robotics, actually big manufacturers like Hyundai and Ford have also developed exoskeleton technology. Hyundai even focuses its exoskeleton technology on autonomous vehicles and electric cars.

The price is certainly not cheap. However, seeing the usefulness of this equipment which can lighten the workload, is certainly a plus point in itself. Moreover, the operation of this exoskeleton made by ULS Robotics can also be used for medical and military purposes.

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