JAKARTA - Twitter is testing a new feature for Spaces that allows hosts to share clips of Spaces footage on their timeline.

This feature is now available for select hosts on iOS. All iOS users can view and listen to clips. Meanwhile, Twitter will launch it soon for Android and web users.

Twitter company spokesman Joseph J. Nunez told The Verge that the clip will be live on Twitter for 30 days.

"Hosts on iOS can now cut 30 seconds of audio from recording Spaces for sharing, everyone on iOS can view and listen to clips in the timeline, it's coming to Android and the web for real," Twitter said in a statement Friday, March 18.

Twitter is restricting clips to only Spaces hosts for now. "Though the company plans to expand Spaces' clipping functionality to all Twitter users in the near future," Nuñez said.

Twitter imagines how easy it is for a malicious listener to take a clip and spread it in a malicious way on Twitter.

So, we'll have to wait and see if Twitter introduces a tool to prevent clip abuse once the feature becomes more widely available.

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