JAKARTA – You don't need expensive equipment and software to record video games. In fact, everything you need to record your video games is present in Windows 11 by default.

When we play a game and have an amazing experience, we definitely want to record it and don't want the experience to pass.

If you're tired of letting those amazing games slip by, here's how to reliably record your gaming sessions in Windows 11. You can save files, edit them, and share your favorite recordings with friends and family.

Record Game Video with Built-in Windows 11 Tools

If you go to Settings > Gaming > Captures, you'll find that Windows by default offers several tools and options for recording videos.

To begin with, your remote login shortcut in cyberspace is Win + Alt + G. However, before you can use it, you must enable it from within settings.

Once you're in the Captures settings, there are several options you can customize to your liking, including:

The frame rate and overall quality of your video How long it should take, from 30 minutes to four hours Whether to record audio and with what kind of settings Whether to make the mouse cursor visible

Turn on what you need, choose your ideal setting, and you're ready to launch your video game. If taking screenshots in Windows 11 was easy, recording videos was easy too.

Use the Xbox Game Bar Video Capture Tool in Windows 11

Another built-in Microsoft tool for gamers is the Xbox Game Bar, which lets you control many features, including your video game recordings.

To open the app, use the Win+G shortcut. Panels will appear around your screen relating to everything from computer performance and audio to your online Xbox friends.

There's a lot you can do with the Gamebar, but for the sake of recording videos, you have the Capture tool. You can click the available button to start recording, record the last 30 seconds, or activate the microphone while recording your performance.

You can also use shortcuts for each of these functions.

Start recording video: Win + Alt + R

Record last 30 seconds: Win + Alt + G

Turn on your microphone: Win + Alt + M

There's a lot more you can do with the Xbox Game Bar, so feel free to explore this program, if you don't have an Xbox console.

Use Downloadable Apps to Record Videos on Windows 11

If none of the default capture tools work for you, find out how other apps like Microsoft's Free Screen Recorder can help you.

In fact, when it comes to recording videos on your PC, there are many solutions that even surprise you. PowerPoint is a great example.

While it's not free or as simple as the other methods, especially if you're playing games at the same time, keep in mind that you can record your screen with PowerPoint.

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