YOGYAKARTA - Laptops are important devices that are commonly used by many people today to support work or do schoolwork to college.

Therefore, comfort when using a laptop is very important so that users can continue to be productive and not be distracted by non-technical things while working or creating tasks.

However, it is not uncommon for the device or laptop you are using to heat up quickly. In fact, you have not long turned it on. That can be quite annoying, especially if you have to make quite a number of reports.

In addition, a hot device will make its performance slow, until it experiences errors. If this happens, then your work can be disrupted.

Therefore, to help users deal with laptops that heat up quickly, the VOI team has summarized a number of tips that you can do below.

Check the Fan Machine on the Laptop

The first way you can do to deal with a laptop that is getting hot quickly is to check the fan engine on the laptop.

Whenever you feel your laptop getting hot, try checking the fan engine on your laptop. The method is quite easy, users only need to put your hand next to the fan vent. That way, you can find out whether your laptop fan is working properly or not.

If the laptop fan is working properly, you will feel hot air coming out. However, if you feel little or nothing, there may be a build-up of dust that hinders fan performance.

Users can clean it by opening it independently, or go to a service center for help.

Avoid Using a Laptop that is Too Intense

The use of electronic devices that are too intense, is one of the reasons your laptop heats up quickly. Therefore, you should manage the use of your laptop better so that the laptop engine does not heat up quickly.

Pay attention to the position when placing the laptop

The next way to deal with a hot laptop is to pay attention to the position of the laptop when you use it.

One of the causes of laptop overheating is the lack of ventilation around your device. Therefore, when using it you can put the laptop using a book or a laptop cooling pad to provide good ventilation under your laptop machine.

Those were a number of tips that you can do to overcome a laptop engine that heats up quickly when used. Users can choose more than 1 of the tips above so that your laptop will last longer and your work will not be disturbed.

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