JAKARTA - Tech giant Apple recently filed a lawsuit against a cooking application company called Prepear. Because the logo used in the application is claimed to be similar to the Apple trademark.

Launching from The Verge, the Prepear application logo which is shaped like a pear is considered to cause confusion to consumers of Apple smart devices. This company made by Steve Jobs also filed a lawsuit against the 'Lanham Act (trademark conflict) violation to the court.

The Prepear application itself is a platform for storing recipes and organizing healthy meals for children. The app's logo is in the shape of a green pear, complete with a leaf on the top right.

In a post on Istagram, Prepear co-founder Russell Monson created an online petition entitled 'Save Pears from Apple'. The petition, which has been signed by more than 20,000 people, asks Apple to drop its lawsuit for bullying small businesses over logo issues.

"Apple has decided to oppose and pursue our small business trademark by saying our pear logo is too close to their apple logo and allegedly damaging their branding. This is a big blow to us at Prepear," Prepear wrote in an Instagram post, Monday August 10 .

"It is a terrifying experience to be legally attacked by one of the biggest companies in the world, even when we clearly haven't done anything wrong, and we understand why most companies just give up and change their logos," he continued.

In a lawsuit in court, Apple stated that the action was taken to protect the existing ecosystem from similar applications and devices. Where Apple argues that applications and services, such as health care, nutrition, public health, and social networks are still within the reach of expanding from Apple's ecosystem development.

In other words, users can look at the Prepear logo and assume the recipe app is an Apple product because that is something Apple might do. Moreover, Apple already has several similar applications and services related to health and nutrition.

The Apple ecosystem is known to be quite exclusive. Previously, Apple had also opposed dozens of other applications and trademarks because of logos related to fruit.

Even in one case where the logo or industry did not match Apple's. In 2019, Apple sent an objection letter to the patent office in Norway, arguing that the Fremskrittspartiet political party has an apple logo that closely resembles its own. He also objected to the cycling track logo in Germany which has a design that looks like Apple.

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