YOGYAKARTA - Instagram continues to improve its application in line with mental health issues experienced by many users due to too much playing with social media. One of the newest features released is Take a Break.

The Take a Break feature allows users to pause using their social media, one of which is Instagram so as not to experience fatal health problems.

In a tweet on his personal Twitter account, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri said Instagram was testing the Take a Break feature, which allows social media users to control their time.

If the trial is successful, the feature will be officially released in December 2021, and can be used by all users.

The way the Take a Break feature works on Instagram is to remind users who have been playing Instagram for hours and suggest taking a break. During the break, users will be offered to play a song or other relaxing things.

In addition, with this feature, you can also set how much time you will use to play Instagram. If you have reached the specified time limit, a warning will appear on your account page.

If you are interested in using it, the VOI team has summarized the steps you can take to activate Instagram's Take a Break feature.

How to Activate Instagram's Take a Break Feature

The first step to enable the Take a Break feature is to open the Instagram app on your device. Previously, users had to update Instagram to the latest version on the Google Play Store or Apps Store.

After opening the Instagram app, you can use it first like viewing a friend's status or searching for other information you like on Instagram.

Later, a pop-up column will appear "Want a Break?" which asks if you want to take a break. If you choose to enable it, select the activate column at the bottom of the pop-up.

Next, you will enter a new window to fill in some menu details that you must enter.

You will be asked to specify the length of time you want to use Instagram and then take a break from social media activity.

After that, click Submit at the bottom. When the Take a Break feature is active, several guides will appear regarding activities that you can use, one of which is listening to music.

Thus, users can be more relaxed when using social media such as Instagram and avoid mental health problems.

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