JAKARTA - The Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora) has just won the unqualified title (WTP) from the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). The Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) hopes that Kemenpora will not be complacent.

KOI Chairman Raja Sapta Oktohari, in an official statement quoted from Antara, said that WTP is not a permanent thing. He hopes that the WTP achievement can encourage Kemenpora to be more professional.

"So it must have an impact on the achievements of the athletes themselves," said the man who is familiarly called Okto, Monday, July 27.

The man who is also the chairman of PB ISSI then appreciated the achievements of the Kemenpora under the leadership of Zainudin Amali. Moreover, to get the WTP opinion, you must wait ten years. For that everything must be maintained and even improved.

"I got the news directly from the Menpora. I have congratulated him, because after a few years the Ministry of Youth and Sports is rather difficult to get WTP. That's an achievement that cannot be ignored," said Okto.

The WTP appreciation achieved by the Ministry of Youth and Sports also came from sports academics, namely Tandiyo Rahayu. The Dean of the Faculty of Sport Sciences, State University of Semarang hopes that the improvement of Kemenpora's financial management can be followed by other things.

"I welcome the WTP classification given to the Ministry of Youth and Sports by the BPK. Hopefully after good and accountable financial governance, it can be followed by good, correct, directed and focused work program management and focus on national sports development," said Tandiyo Rahayu. .

Likewise with the member of Commission X DPR RI Illiza Sa'aduddin. The woman who is also the Chairperson of the Indonesian Archery Association (PP Perpani) hopes that the positive impact of the WTP's opinion will continue because good governance must be started to manage the sport.

"Perpani has just implemented the MoU with the assistance of Pelatnas and Kemenpora, and Alhamdulillah I see that the performance is better, more measurable. There are no difficulties in managing financial administration and so on," said Illiza Sa'aduddin.

The BPK on Wednesday, July 22 has submitted the Audit Result Report Number 02 / BA-LHP-LK-XVI.3 / 7/2020 directly to the Kemenpora Office. The handover note was signed by BPK Member Achsanul Qosasi and Menpora Zainudin Amali.

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