JAKARTA - The Technical Delegate (TD) for the artistic swimming sport, Fitrah Utami Harsono, said the committee was forced to postpone the race schedule for the two numbers in the Papua PON, namely the solo technical routine and the solo free routine from Monday to Tuesday. Utami revealed a number of reasons. Such as the need for committee preparation in preparing the competition equipment at the Kampung Harapan Aquatic Arena, Jayapura Regency. In addition, the committee also wants to provide an opportunity for athletes to try out the race arena first. everything takes time and indeed there should be a gap of at least one day for using the arena from one sport to another," Utami told Antara at the Kampung Harapan Aquatic Arena, Monday. From Antara's observation, a number of athletes took advantage of this one-day break to practice. On the other hand, the organizing committee is busy preparing the equipment for the competition. "For artistic swimming, we need time to prepare the equipment. Starting from installing competition equipment, underwater music and others," said Utami.

"In addition, athletes must also try water from the swimming pool. Even if they just have to compete, they still have to make adjustments first," Utami added. In addition to artistic swimming, pool diving has also been postponed one day from the previous schedule. The competition will finally take place tomorrow, Tuesday. At least eight race numbers will last until the final. Starting from 200m bifin men and women, 50m apnea men and women, 100m bifin men and women, up to 800m surface men and women. Previously, the competition committee for Rugby7 sport postponed the match schedule which was originally scheduled for October 4 to 6 to October 12-14 2021 "Yesterday, when the meeting was decided to be postponed due to field readiness issues," said Match and Refereeing Coordinator Michaelzedek Arwam when contacted in Jayapura, Monday. October 4, 2021 or the first day of the match. However, unexpectedly, the work and preparation of the field were completed early. Meanwhile, the committee has informed each contingent that there has been a change in the schedule of matches. at the Air Force Rugby7 Field, Jayapura Regency. Finally, he hopes that the public, especially Rugby7 sports lovers, can be patient and understand the situation that occurred because it was beyond initial estimates.

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