JAKARTA – To enliven the implementation of the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON), the organizers made several series of activities. One of them was through the "stand-up comedy" competition with millions of rupiah in prizes which took place from 24 July to 24 August.

In the official Instagram account of PON Papua, Sunday, July 21, the winner will get a prize of Rp. 3 million, second place is Rp. 2 million, and third is Rp. 1 million. In addition, for the fourth to tenth ranks, they will receive official Papua PON merchandise.

The stand-up comedy competition is part of the PONDEMI program which aims to increase public hype in the biggest sporting event in the country.

For people who want to participate, the way is easy. Prospective participants can follow the official Instagram of PON Papua @ponxx2020papua. Then upload the stand-up comedy video to Instagram or Facebook.

"Make sure the account is not private and mention Instagram or Facebook @ponxx2020papua and the hashtag #pondemistandupcomedy," said the announcement regarding the competition.

Regarding the terms and conditions, stand-up comedy PONDEMI can be followed by the whole community, aka open to the public. In addition, the theme presented is also free as long as it relates to PON Papua.

"The duration of the video is 1-3 minutes and the format must be landscape. The work must also be original and have never been published," the announcement continued.

In addition, every participant who sends a video must display the Papua PON logo on the top right. Finally, video material must not contain negative elements.

The judges for this stand-up comedy competition are Mumu, Yewen, and Arnold. For more information, visit the pondemi.ponxx2020papua.com site.

Reporting from the official website of PON Papua, the implementation of the 20th PON this time is also different, because it was carried out in the midst of a pandemic.

For that, PONDEMI is here, with the tagline Moving Together, which is an encouragement for all of us to take part in the 20th PON even in the midst of a pandemic.

Yewen (left) will be a stand-up comedy judge ahead of the Papua PON.

There are 7 interesting programs in PONDEMI. In addition to stand-up comedy, there are blogger competitions, virtual rides, virtual runs, inspiration classes, collaborations with local children, and people shows.

PON Papua is scheduled to take place in four locations namely Jayapura City, Jayapura Regency, Mimika Regency, and Merauke Regency on October 2-15.

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