YOGYAKARTA - The month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings that is not only a time to increase worship. In the midst of changing diet and sleep, night's exercise during fasting

This article will thoroughly explore the benefits of nightly sport during fasting, suitable types of exercise, the right time to do so, as well as tips for maintaining balanced worship and health.

Reporting from the Siloam Hospitals page, here are some sports options that can be done during fasting, with an emphasis on activities that do not drain a lot of energy:

This sport is known for its gentle movement and focuses on breathing. Tai chi is very suitable for fasting because of its low intensity, so it does not cause dehydration.

The benefits of tai chi include increasing balance, cognitive function, and flexibility. You can do it before dawn or in the morning.

As an alternative to yoga, pilates offers exercises that can be adjusted to individual abilities. This exercise helps improve body posture, reduce stress, and increase muscle strength.

This simple physical activity is highly recommended during fasting. The leisure does not waste a lot of energy and does not cause excessive sweat. Routinely doing so is beneficial for heart, bone, and muscle health.

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This exercise focuses on breathing techniques and muscle stretching, so it doesn't drain too much energy. Yoga also helps calm the mind and improve sleep quality.

Cycling closely can be a fun choice of sport during fasting.

In addition to burning fat and calories, cycling is also good for heart and muscle health. Relaxing in the afternoon before breaking the fast can help relieve stress.

This exercise can be done on the sidelines of rest time. Sit up is useful for increasing flexibility, forming a stomach muscle, and reducing the risk of hip pain. While push up helps maintain body stability and strengthen the chest muscles.

If energy is still enough, light opting can be an option. Do it with low intensity and short duration, about 30 minutes. The best time for jogging is the morning or evening before breaking the fast.

When fasting, exercise is still important to maintain fitness. Reporting from the AI Care page, it is necessary to pay attention to several things so that exercise does not interfere with worship and health.

First, choose the right time. Exercise before breaking the fast or 1-2 hours after breaking the fast is the best time. Avoid strenuous exercise when your stomach is empty.

Second, choose exercise with light to moderate intensity, such as leisurely walks, yoga, or light cycling. Warm up before exercising and try to exercise at least 30 minutes, 5 times a week.

Third, maintain nutritional intake when suhoor and open. Consumption of balanced nutritious foods that contain carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber. Meet the liquid needs by drinking enough water.

Fourth, get enough rest. Sleep 7-8 hours at night and add a short nap 30-60 minutes if possible. By following these tips, you can maintain body fitness during the month of Ramadan without disturbing worship.

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