YOGYAKARTA The athlete's physical training program needs to be carried out consistently. However, in the middle of training, variations are also needed. Even sports variations are related to the results of the exercise that will be felt by athletes. Then why are sports variations important?

In general, the variation of exercise can be understood as a diverse pattern of exercise, but the goal is the same. For example, the variation to increase muscle strength is by lifting weights. It can be done by barbell or in other similar ways.

Reporting from dualhealthcare, in the context of sports, variation is the basic pattern for creating an effective training program. These activities can be carried out by mixing exercises to prevent boredom. Exercise variations are needed to prevent a person from feeling bored while increasing motivation to achieve more goals.

Not only that, variations are carried out to prevent stagnation. When these conditions occur, it is feared that there will be no additional increase and it could even lead to a decrease in results.

Similar, on the University Hospitals Sports Medicine website, it is also stated that someone who undergoes a training program has the potential to experience adaptive resistance. This condition occurs when a person trains for a long time so that the body no longer responds to the training carried out. In fact, it can lead to athletes' injuries.

Adaptive resistance can be overcome by creating sports variations. Variations can create new stimuli so as to encourage progress from time to time.

Although important, it is not recommended to create too many sports variations. It is feared that the movement is too varied will make it difficult for the body to adapt because muscles will perform different movements.

Variations of sports have a number of benefits that will be obtained, especially those related to the results of training, namely as follows.

Variations in body movements help reduce the potential for injury in athletes. As is known, training that is carried out without variation will indeed train the same muscles in the same way. This condition will certainly trigger muscle tension to injury.

Even though sexual intercourse is a means of recreation, if done monotonically it will bring boredom too. Trying new training and exercise will help you fight boredom while increasing the motivation of training.

Variations in sports help the body be fitter and support muscle formation. When used to doing varied movements, the body will learn to adapt to new challenges. That way, the body is also ready to face new challenges as well as stimulation.

Those are some of the reasons why sports variations are important. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.

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