JAKARTA - The Self-Defense Sports College of the Karate-Jutsu Indonesia Pordibba Institute or Inkatsu Pordibba held a National Conference (Munas) in Jakarta on Sunday, December 1.
In this National Conference reaffirms several basic things, namely the principle of college idealism, historical truth, and the existence of Inkatsu Pordibba as a karate college that is continuing to actively foster outstanding karate athletes.
In addition, this time the National Conference will also be used to urge the Karate Do Indonesia Sports Federation (FORKI) to immediately hold a National Conference to ensure that the position of Inkatsu Pordibbya is valid as a member of FORKI.
Chairman of the Pordibbya School Teacher Council, Rahsa Barunasto, said that Inkatsu Pordibbya, which was founded in 1966, was one of the karate universities that signed the establishment of FORKI in 1972.
"We ask FORKI to immediately carry out the National Conference with the aim of determining our valid position as members of FORKI," said Rahsa, Sunday, December 1.
Rahsa said, Inkatsu Pordibbya never receded and remained active in various activities.
"For this reason, the important agenda of the Pordibaya Inkatsu National Conference this time is the historical analysis and affirmation of the existence of Inkatsu Pordibbya," he said.
Pordiya wants to focus on training and developing karate and producing outstanding mainstay athletes from Indonesia.
This year's Inkatsu Pordiblea National Conference carries the theme 'Strengthening determination, Reaching Success'. This activity was attended by representatives from 10 regional management, namely DKI Jakarta, West Java, North Sumatra, West Sumatra, Papua, West Papua, Central Papua, East Kalimantan, Jambi and Bali.
"Pordibbya has a distinctive feature in the form of combining techniques and silat, judo, karate and jujitsu styles," he said.
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