JAKARTA The Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation (FPTI) sent 20 young athletes to the IFSC Climbing Youth World Championships (CYWC) 2024 in Guiyang, China.

The championship will take place on August 22-31, 2024. Of the 20 young athletes, each consists of 11 male athletes and the rest are women.

The Head of Public Relations and Media of the FPTI, Aziarus Adlu, said that sending a contingent was part of FPTI's efforts to increase flight hours and the experience of young athletes on the international stage.

"On the other hand, this is also our program for the sustainability of coaching and creating Indonesian athletes who are ready to excel in the future," said Adlu in a statement received.

The Championship, which will last for 11 days, will compete in three rock climbing disciplines, namely lead, boulder, and speed.

Adlu asked for support and prayers from all Indonesian people so that Indonesian athletes can give their best in the championship.

"Let us together encourage the Indonesian youth rock climbing team," he said.

The match schedule for the lead number will take place on August 22-25, 2024. Following that boulder on August 26-31, 2024 and speed on August 28-30, 2024.

List 20 Indonesian Athletes At IFSC CYWC 2024

Men's Athletes

Ardana Cical Damarwulan (West Java)Abdillah Nabihan Tajusa (DI Yogyakarta)Aeifhel Tri Andika (Central Java)Antasyafi Robby Al Hilmi (East Java)Aditya Maulana Ibrahim (East Java)Muhammad Fauzan Akbar (Riau)Samudera Setiadji Putra (Bali)Noval Bayu Wardhana (East Java)Noor Arsyada (South Kalimantan)Ramaski Aswin Kristanto (DI Yogyakarta)Roeyhan Hidayat (DKI Jakarta)

Women's Athletes

Mayra Azalia Nabila (East Java) An Nisa Angelia Panuntun (Banten) Fransiska Alexandria Dwi Rahayu (DKI Jakarta) Cinta Dwi Maharani (East Java)Taqiyya Nur Aziza (DI Yogyakarta)Aninda Qalbi Arsyillah (DKI Jakarta) Berliana Putri Wijaya (East Java)Iinaas Nuur Ghoni (East Java)Sililia Putri Kusuma Wardani (East Java)

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