JAKARTA The Indonesian Rock Climbing Federation (FPTI) will provide assistance if athletes who receive the 2024 Paris Olympics bonus need experts to manage their finances.
The general chairman of the FPTI, Yenni Wahid, said that large amounts of money must be managed as well as possible by the owner so that it is not in vain.
"To all beneficiaries, if in need, we will prepare a financial planner or financial planner to be able to manage their finances better," said Yenny.
Rock climbing sent a total of four athletes to Paris 2024 and managed to bring home one gold medal through athlete Veddriq Leonardo from the men's speed number.
This achievement made this athlete from Pontianak shower a bonus of Rp. 6 billion. The bonus was symbolically given by President Joko Widodo on Thursday, August 15, 2024, morning at the State Palace, Jakarta.
Yenny emphasized that during the productive period, athletes need to collect and manage their finances as well as possible for investment when they retire later.
"When they retire, they can continue to live comfortably from the results of their income during productive times. One of the tasks of FPTI is preparing it," he said.
This year, the Government also gave a big bonus to athletes who did not bring home medals as a form of appreciation for their hard work.
Athletes who do not bring home medals will receive Rp250 million. A total of 26 athletes will each have the bonus.
From rock climbing, the three athletes who will receive the appreciation are Rahmad Adi Mulyono, Rajiah Salsabillah, and Desak Made Rita Kusuma Dewi.
This one medal from Paris actually missed the target that FPTI wanted to achieve. They left for the 2024 Paris Olympics with the desire to get at least two medals.
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