JAKARTA PP Perbasi is ready to pay the Surabaya Louvre deposit while participating in the 2023 ASEAN Basketball League (ABL). However, Perbasi also reminded that Louvre must pay its obligations.

Chairman of the Legal, Ethics and Discipline Agency of PP Perbasi, George Fernando Dendeng, said that the Louvre currently still has arrears to vendors so that they must be paid in advance before demanding a refund.

"If they pay their obligations, we will voluntarily return the deposit," said George at a press conference at the GBK Arena, Senayan, Jakarta on Tuesday, July 2, 2024, morning WIB.

The case involving Perbasi and Louvre Surabaya began on February 23, 2023 when the national basketball parent made the decision to freeze the club from Surabaya, East Java.

This step was taken by Perbasi because the Surabaya Louvre still has debts with vendors and alleged match-fixing when competing in the 2023 ASEAN Basketball League (ABL).

After ABL 2023, Perbasi received a report that the Surabaya Louvre had not yet paid their vendors. On that basis, Perbasi also detained the deposits submitted to them as a condition for participating in ABL 2023.

This deposit should have been returned by Perbasi after ABL 2023 was completed. However, provided that the club does not have any more arrears, both to vendors, crew, and the salaries of their players.

Regarding the debt with this vendor, Perbasi then decided to summon the owner of the Surabaya Louvre, Erik Herlangga. You see, the vendors concerned asked Perbasi to bridge this issue.

George said that until today the call had not been heeded at all. In fact, what came to them was a lawsuit from the Central Jakarta District Court in two cases.

"The first case is Number 261. It is a case of Against Action (PMH). Meanwhile, the second case is Number 262 regarding Wanprestasi," said George.

In PMH, Perbasi was sued regarding the loss of the Louvre Surabaya and lost sponsors due to the suspension. As for the Want Appreciation, it contains a lawsuit regarding deposits that have not been returned by Perbasi.

At the first level at the Central Jakarta District Court, the two lawsuits were rejected or not granted. For Number 261, the decision was for Niet Ontvankelijke Verklaard (NO) alias the lawsuit could not be accepted because it contained formal defects.

Meanwhile, case Number 262 was rejected. The Louvre Surabaya party then filed an appeal to the DKI Jakarta High Court. In this appeal, Case Number 261 became case Number 527, while Number 262 was compared to Case Number 526.

From the results of the appeal, Perbasi was strengthened by the decision of the State Court for Case 527 so that the Surabaya Louvre appeal was rejected. Meanwhile, Wanpresasi was granted by the judge and Perbasi was also asked to return a deposit of Rp150 million.

The decision on case Number 262 has permanent legal force. So, in terms of law based on law, the notification must first be accepted by Perbasi. However, until today, Tuesday, July 2, 2024, only cases Number 261 or 527 were received by the federation.

"So, what needs to be conveyed is that we have received as of June 26, 2024 for Case 527. Meanwhile, there has been no notification of Case 526 to date," said George.

Perbasi is willing to respect the decision from the High Court for Case 526, which states they must return the deposit to the Surabaya Louvre.

George emphasized that the Surabaya Louvre must also be obedient to their obligations. Especially paying for streaming worth Rp. 400 million, then paying the master of ceremony (MC) wage from Malaysia, field rental, and other crew members.

"Indeed, that's what we will do (returning the deposit). We have no tendency to detain, but we also need to keep the vendors who have not been paid," he said.

The freezing carried out by Perbasi prevented the Subaya Louvre from participating in all national and international basketball championships.

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