Three Indonesian Cano Athletes Compete In The 2024 Olympics Qualification"
Indonesian women's doubles athlete Riska Andriyani and Nur Meni (top) accelerated in the final number of the 500 meters Asian Games 2022 sprint at the Fuyang Water Sports Center, Hangzhou, China, (photo: dock.)

JAKARTA - Three Indonesian canoe athletes, Dayumin, Nur Meni, and Sella Monim, are preparing to take part in the 2024 Olympic qualifying round in Paris. They will compete in the Asian Sprint and ACC 2024 Olympic Qualification canoe championships, which will take place at Sea Forest Waterway, Tokyo Bay, Japan, on April 18-21.

Dayumin will compete in the women's individual 200 meters, while Nur Meni and Sella Monim will compete in the women's doubles number 500 meters. They have shown good preparation, with Dayumin training with Georgia's national athletes and Olympic medalists from Ukraine before continuing training in Cipule, West Java.

"Douyumin showed a promising performance during four weeks of training with Georgian national athletes (Europe-East/Asia-West) and Olympic medalists from Ukraine in Antalya (Turkey) from March 6 to April 3, and then continued training in Cipule (West Java)," said the women's individual Kano Indonesia coach, Andrii Kraitor, quoted from an official statement Monday, April 15.

Their coach, Andrii Kraitor, believes Dayumin is capable of competing with strong competitors such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Thailand, and Iran.

Meanwhile, while Nur Meni and Sella Monim are new pairs in competitions, their coaches believe they have the potential to win tickets to the Paris Olympics. Despite being inexperienced in the official race, the rapid progress they showed during training at Antalya provided optimism for their coach, Andri.

"Although Meni and Sella are new couples who have no experience in racing, while while practicing in Antalya, both have recorded rapid progress so they have chances," said Andri.

In addition to the three athletes, PODSI also sent five other female rowing canoe athletes to compete in Japan. They are Ramla from Batupapan (Sulsel), Cinta Priendtisca Nayomi from Jakarta (DKI Jakarta), Herlin Aprilin Lali from Hobong (Papua), Sri Kandi from Renda Island (Sultra), and Nurevani Feraliana from Garut (Jabar). Hopefully they can all achieve brilliant results in the competition!

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