JAKARTA - Inter-stakeholder collaboration is considered important in its meaning to improve traditional sports achievements in Indonesia. When breaking the fast together with the Big Family of the Indonesian Community Recreation Sports Committee (KORMI), Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo explained, through collaboration, traditional sports can be more advanced and develop in the future. "This momentum togetherness is expected to further improve the friendship. And it can also increase collaboration to advance traditional Indonesian sports," said Dito quoting Antara. He hopes, with good friendship and momentum in the holy month of Ramadan, it is hoped that collaboration can be better established in the future. Meanwhile, one of the main programs of the Ministry of Youth and Sports is the inter-district championship (Tarkam) which is an effort to find athletes' talents at an early age.Tarkam is a traditional sports competition in Indonesian rural areas which is a program of the ministry. One of the goals is to encourage Indonesian people to be more interested in exercising in villages.

The program will compete in sports that have the potential to achieve achievements, so that it will support national achievements. In addition, in order to encourage the growth of young talents, the government also has policies to promote the development of sports facilities evenly in various regions. The chairman of the National CORMI, Hayono Isman, said that with the activity of breaking the fast together, it is hoped that the friendship and collaboration to develop traditional sports can be improved. "Thank you for the presence of Mas Menpora with the Secretary of the Minister of Youth and Sports (Gunawan Suswantoro). Breaking this fast is also a gathering event in Ramadan," said Hayono.

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