List Of Internal Energy Universities In Indonesia, Important Techniques In Pencak Silat
Illustration of internal energy colleges in Indonesia (Freepik)

YOGYAKARTA - Many Indonesians are interested in attending martial arts schools. Usually martial arts exercises start as children, but also do not close for adults who want to join. Apart from self-protection, one of the things that is popular is the concept of internal energy.

The concept of inner power has become a popular thing in the properties of self-defense in Indonesia. The Department of Energy is adapted into films with the appearance of combat actors or martial arts heroes. Internal power will usually be used when protecting oneself, helping people in danger, and other purposes.

Until now, there are still many people who use internal energy science. This technique is also still taught in several martial arts universities. So what internal energy universities in Indonesia can be followed?

Internal energy is an important part of martial arts to study. Many martial arts institutions in the country include energy knowledge in martial arts exercises. For those of you who are interested in learning this technique, here are some internal energy universities that you can visit.

One of the martial arts universities known for its internal energy teachings is the Setia Hati Terate Brotherhood (PSHT). This martial arts school has existed since before Indonesia Merdeka. This martial arts college was founded by Ki Ngabehi Soeromihardjo, who is familiarly called Grandmother Suro, in 1903.

Initially, Eyang Suro mentioned the flow of pencak silat with the name Djjo Gendilo Tjipto Muljo. It was only in 1917 that he founded the Setia Hati Brotherhood Silat college in Madiun. Not only oriented to the provision of martial arts techniques, but PSHT also holds the value of brotherhood between humans and a combination of spiritual teachings (sub-district science).

Other martial arts universities that are also very popular in Indonesia are Pagar NU and Bangsa (Pagar Nusa). The beginning of this college was formed because previously in the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic boarding school there were various silat streams. The Nusa Fence was formed in 1986 to gather a pencak silat association under NU.

Pencak silat Pagar Nusa has principles or identities that are in line with NU, including Ukhwah Pagar Nusa (without distinguishing the flow), Ukhwah Nahdliyyah (without boundaries of political and social differences), Ukhwah Silamiyah (without any difference in amaliyah), Ukhwah Basyariyah (brotherhood of fellow human beings), Ukhwah Wathaniyah (brotherhood of the whole community), Ukhwah Insaniyah (all humans are the same before Allah).

The name of the martial arts college in Indonesia, which has also been recognized by many people, is Pencak Silat Kera Sakti. This silat college was formed by R. Totong Kiemdarto in 1980 in Madiun City. This flow of pencak silat is quite interesting because it teaches fun or kuntauw in Hokkian.

The martial arts techniques taught in this silat college also took action from northern and southern flow apes (nan pie ho jien). The founder of Silat Kera Sakti studied the movement from the warrior of the Chinese sect in the country.

Pencak silat Perisai Diri is also scattered in various regions in Indonesia. This martial art college was founded by RM Soebandiman Dirdjoatmodjo, son of the Royal Palace Paku Alam, in 1955. This college implemented around 156 silat flows from various regions in the country.

The silat technique taught at the Perisai Diri University is quite varied. The flow of silat in it is also coupled with the tinda (Siaw Liem) flow from China which has been studied by its founder. Moto in this martial arts college is a Want of Uninjured Silat

Pencak Silat Merpati Putih is known as an empty-handed self-defense college. Silat techniques at this university do not use weapons or tools at all. This martial arts school was initially specially taught at the Special Forces Command (Kopassus) in each ABRI unit.

Over time, pencak silat has continued to develop and be studied by many Indonesians. Merpati Putih stands for Mersudi Patitising Tining Hening Pusakane'. The Motto demands its members to align their hearts and minds in all actions.

Those are some of the internal labor universities in Indonesia. The various silat universities above have been spread in various regions in the country. For those of you who are interested in exploring silat techniques for self-protection, you can join one of them. Also read the techniques of horses in pencak silat.

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