JAKARTA - South Korea (South Korea), and Thailand are considered capable of developing foreign exchange potential from the sports sector.

However, in Indonesia, the development of sports is still focused on coaching athletes.

In fact, Indonesia has the potential for tourism in the field of sports performances.

Every year there is an international and national sporting event held in Indonesia.

International Relations Observer UPN Veteran Jakarta, Asep Kamaluddin Nashir assessed, Indonesia must learn from South Korea (South Korea), and Thailand as well as other countries that develop foreign exchange potential from the sports sector.

Seeing this potential, Indonesia should develop the concept of sport tourism or organizing sports activities combined with tourism promotions.

But in fact, continued Asep, sport tourism in Indonesia is currently under the control of three ministries, making it difficult for the organizing committee to take care of all needs.

"For tourism issues, it will be given to the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf), while matters concerning sports are left to the Ministry of Youth and Sports (Kemenpora)," said Asep, Sunday, March 17.

Other obstacles, he continued, are in the aspect of cultural promotion which is often directed at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). Furthermore, creative products are accommodated by the Ministry of Cooperatives, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop-UMKM).

"In order for the potential for sport tourism to be maximized, a work unit is needed under one ministry," he said.

Asep also proposed combining the Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Tourism, and Director General of Culture into a ministry called the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.

"The existence of a ministry that covers the three sectors above is nothing new. Several countries have formed ministries (joints)," he said.

Referring to the success of South Korea and Thailand, it is better for the newly formed government to consider combining the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy and the Ministry of Youth and Sports plus the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Culture, which is currently under the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Meanwhile, the creative economy sector can remain under this new ministry or be transferred to the Kemenkop-UMKM.

Then for youth problems, it can be maintained as one of the Directorate General in the new ministry on the basis of cultural and sports issues, it requires youth contribution.

"As an alternative to youth affairs, it can be integrated with the Ministry of Education considering the existence of young people who are close to education issues," he said.

Through this new ministry, continued Asep, it is hoped that it will be able to increase the country's foreign exchange from the tourism sector as well as venture to compete with South Korea and Thailand as tourism options in the Asian region.

Previously, it was reported that the progress of sports events in Indonesia was considered not to have developed evenly compared to other countries at the Asian level. The observer of the Jakarta Veterans UPN International Relations, Asep Kamaluddin Nashir, said that the focus of sports development in Indonesia only revolved around coaching athletes.

"Indonesia must learn from South Korea (South Korea), and Thailand as well as other countries that develop foreign exchange potential from the sports sector," said Asep Kamaluddin, Sunday, March 17.

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