JAKARTA The men's doubles coach, Aryono Miranat, opened his voice after the sector he led performed poorly in the first round of the French Open 2024, which is currently underway.

Men's doubles sent a total of four representatives to the tournament which took place from March 5-10, 2024. However, three of them had to go home early from this Super 750 BWF level event.

The three men's doubles representatives who had to lift their suitcases in the first round were Leo Rolly Carnando/Daniel Marthin, Hendra Setiawan/Mohammad Ahsan, and Bagas Maulana/Muhammad Shohibul Fikri.

"Next week there will still be All England 2024. So, I advise you not to give up. Focus again through preparation and training," said Aryono.

Hendra/Ahsan lost to the host pair, Lucas Corvee/Ronan Labar, in three games.

Then, Leo/Daniel will certainly leave after losing against the Chinese Taipei doubles, Lu Ching Yao/Yang Po Han. Leo/Daniel have yet to win out of a total of four of their meetings.

Aryono said the record of not being able to win over Lu Ching Yao/Yang Po Han made Leo/Daniel even more curious. Therefore, this will be the homework of the 2019 junior world champion pair.

"Preparedly, we have analyzed through video matches. We have to be calmer, more patient, and the accuracy of the punches must be even more accurate," he said.

Meanwhile, Bagas/Fikri fell against another representative of China Taipei, Lee Jhe-Huei/Yang Po-Hsuan. This is Bagas/Fikri's third defeat against Lee/Yang of their total seven clashes.

Aryono explained that during the match Bagas/Fikri were always under pressure. In addition, they also cannot anticipate the speed of the opponent.

"It's too slow to play. In the second game the pattern is trying to change and it's right, but the final finish is not good. Several times there should be a chance to get points instead of making your own mistakes," said Aryono.

"Then, I saw the confidence of the opponent increased after successfully becoming a champion at the 2024 German Open last week," he said.

The death of the three pairs above made Indonesia's hope to get a title from the men's doubles sector now living on the shoulders of Fajar Alfian/Muhammad Rian Ardianto.

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