Exercise For Autoimmune Patients That Are Safe And Healthy
(Adeoye-Unsplash Arek Image)

YOGYAKARTA - Often we hear that autoimmune conditions occur to someone a kind of lupus and rheumatoid artritis (rheumatoid) which causes the most important problems in muscles, bones and joints. Want to know what are the sports for autoimmune sufferers? Here's the description.

This situation often causes severe pain and leads to defects that will greatly hinder activities and productivity, but even if a person suffers from autoimmune disease, it does not mean that he cannot live an active and healthy life.

The following post will regulate safe exercise and can be tried by someone with autoimmune disease.

Getting To Know Auto Immune Diseases

Autoimmune can be interpreted as a state in which an immune system (body resistance) attacks its own body. Autoimmune states are increasingly found in the general public because lifestyle changes and pollution can result in changes and genetic mutations that lead to the onset of autoimmune states.

Some of the autoimmune diseases that are widely found and may sound common in society are lupus (systemic lupus erythehusus/SLE) and batritis (rheumatoid).

Lupus usually hit many organs at once, ranging from the eyes, skin, heart, membranes wrapped in the lungs, kidneys and joints. A person who is experiencing lupus will have symptoms that appear in these organs, such as redness in the skin, inflammation of the heart membrane, kidney failure, vision problems, and pain in the joints.

In rheumatoids, the situation arises more about the problem of joints. Rheumathoid artifacts can hit several joints at once, but more often hit the fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, and spines, especially in the neck.

Autoimmune diseases can cause real defects such as joint shape changes, severe fatigue due to heart system disorders and blood vessels, kidney failure, and the onset of an effusion (fluid seepage) into the membranes of the lungs (pleura).

These conditions will lead to the inability of a person to undergo activities, both sports, recreation, and daily life. This will then increase the ongoing defects and the same cycle will repeat itself.

1. Swimming

Swimming is recommended, but it shouldn't take too long. Mainly, if the swimming pool is out of space. Swimming includes exercising which will feel light if done casually.

2. Walk in the Morning

Relaxing such as walking is highly recommended for all types of autoimmune. You can walk around the house when the sun is not so hot. It is recommended to walk for 30 minutes.

3. Yoga

Yoga is also recommended for autoimmune sufferers. Not only good for health, yoga also allows a person not to be exposed to too much sunlight.

Not only that, yoga is also good for balancing the mind and body.

Don't Exercise Alone

Exercise will certainly be more exciting if done together. Invite your partner, friend, or other family members. However, make sure they know your boundaries.

Although the indications of lupus can make the sufferer feel pain and pain, don't let it make the sufferer avoid sports. The selection of sports that is right for people with lupus can control the symptoms, all of them are healthy and mentally. Of course, it can increase the quality of life for the sufferer.

How To Prevent Injuries While Doing Special Sports For Autoimmune Patients

Exercise for autoimmune itself should not start and end suddenly and must begin with heating (warming-up) and end with cooling (cooling-down).

Starting exercise suddenly will affect the work of the heart, which can be accompanied by fainting. Suddenly stopping exercise can also cause very low blood pressure too fast, so that the blood oxygen content to the brain will drop quickly, which can also arise as a faint.

Exercising very hard and very fast can also cause fatigue and muscle aches, which will certainly delay the next exercise session, so that the positive impact of exercise cannot be achieved.

Post-exercise pain must also be distinguished between good pain and bad pain.

Bad pain after exercise is usually caused by too fast movements or very heavy burdens, and added by body conditions that have not adjusted to these heavy activities.

Bad pain is generally accompanied by indications of a kind of sensation spreading, symptoms of nerve flip-flops such as tingling and baal, to loss of muscle function, which is painful as in tendon tearing.

In addition, it's a good idea to get to know 'What Is Lupus Disease' so you can prevent and know the symptoms.

So after knowing the sport for autoimmune sufferers, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!

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