YOGYAKARTA - For lovers of challenges and adrenaline, of course, the most extreme sport in the world will be suitable for trial. However, what do you think of the types of sports?

Sometimes what people are looking for in sports is not just sweat and also healthy. However, what they are looking for is an action that challenges and increases adrenaline. Although there are still many who cause death. So, what kind of sport can make such an effect? Here we will discuss below.

The first recommendation for you extreme sports lovers is Freediving. Sports is fairly unreasonable, you know! The rule is that athletes are required to dive as much as possible without using oxygen equipment at all. Wow!

This sport is actually simple because you only move down to the bottom of the water and rise back to the surface with just one breath. But you are required to have a strong physique in order to overcome changes in pressure underwater.

So extreme, this sport has claimed many victims, you know! Between 2006 and 2011 there have been 417 accidents. Reportedly there were 308 cases that were fatal.

BASE stands for Building, Antenna, Spanyol, and Earth. It's literally translated into jumping from a high spot, then using a parachute moments before reaching the ground.

This sport attracts many adrenaline lovers around the world. However, it is confirmed that it has claimed the most victims in the shortest period of time. How come?

How not, the record of death due to extreme sports continues to increase every year. For BASE Fatality List (BFL), the number of deaths has exceeded 362 people. The worst year was 2016 with 37 deaths, after which it was followed in 2018 with 32 deaths.

The climb of high mountains seems to occupy second most dangerous sport in history. This is natural, considering that the percentage of life while trying to conquer the top of the Himalayan high was only 1 in 10.

So far, there have been 297 deaths on Mount Everest since the first climb began in 1922. The reason is because of oxygen, why? The reason is, lack of oxygen is an important reason why many died before reaching the top.

For example, if you are at an altitude of 8.000 m (26.000 feet), you will die in less than 2 minutes because the oxygen level is very thin.

For mountain climbers there it is considered a place of death. This is normal because humans do not allow life up there.

Even though it's rarely heard, wingsuit flying has been popular for a long time since the mid-1990s, you know.

This sport is a sport that is classified as quite extreme. The participants must wear a special jumpsuit that allows them to gain more liftability. After that slide horizontally in the air after jumping from a plane or cliff.

The number of deaths also counted quite a lot, namely 162 people recorded since 2002. Terhir was recorded to have claimed 2 victims in December 2018.

It is undeniable that rock climbing is a sport that is difficult, challenging, and risky. Moreover, without the use of safety ropes and protective equipment, certainly many people do not dare to practice it, right? As for what can be worn when doing Free solo rock climbing, namely, only climbing shoes and lime.

Every mistake made by a massager can cause death or at least seriously injured that endangers lives. So are you interested in trying it?

So those are some extreme sports references that can take victims at any time. Of course before doing so you have to think about it carefully!

So after knowing the list of the world's most extreme sports, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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