JAKARTA - Recently, the world of national football was shocked by rumors related to the relegation and promotion of Liga 1 2023/2024. There was an issue that there was a change related to the promotion and relegation scheme.

The change is a relegation slot next season which will be just one team. Even though at the beginning of the season there were three teams that would be relegated and promoted.

PSSI General Chair Erick Thohir firmly denied the issue. He emphasized that the regulation on competence is something that cannot be negotiated because it is in accordance with the congressional decision.

"PSSI firmly adheres to the applicable provisions that promotion and relegation are three teams. There is no bargaining about that!" said the man who is also the Minister of SOEs on the official PSSI website.

He stated that PSSI's spirit was in line with FIFA's principle of fair play. Of course, with that spirit, regulations must be carried out properly.

The former Inter Milan president reiterated that there was no change in the middle of the road. PSSI, he said, did not tolerate and clearly rejected the issue because it was not in accordance with the spirit of fair play.

Erick is optimistic that this season's League 1 competition will further encourage the development of national football. According to him, a regular and healthy competition will give birth to a healthy national team.

"In addition, the competition system that is consistently rotating will also provide certainty from the business side. Therefore, we have all agreed to maintain the competition system that has been agreed upon in the congress," said Erick Thohir.

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