JAKARTA - The medals for the Indonesian contingent at the 2023 Asian Games have increased again. Two medals were repeated on Wednesday, September 27.

Each silver medal from skateboarding and bronze from wushu. With the addition of these two medals, the total Indonesian contingent has collected 11 medals.

In skateboarding, the silver medal was presented by Sanggoe Darma Tanjung which competed in the men's street number. In the final, Sanggoe competed with Chinese representative Zhang Jie who won the gold medal by collecting a total of 231.14 points.

Sanggoe, who was in second place, packed 200.63 points. While bronze belongs to another Chinese athlete, Su Jianjun, who collected 195.73 points.

Another medal won by the Indonesian contingent today is the bronze medal from the Wushu sport. Seraf Naro Siregar, who competed in the Men's Daoshu & Gunshu All-Round number, took third place with 9,740 points.

In the same number and gold medal won by Chinese athletes, Zhizhao Changsih. got 9,800 points and a silver medal was secured by Jowen Si Wei Lim with 9,743 points.

As of Wednesday, September 27 afternoon WIB, the Indonesian contingent has collected 11 medals, with details of three gold, two silver, and six bronze. The acquisition also made Indonesia in eighth position in the standings.

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