YOGYAKARTA - Surely you have often heard the Latin saying of the Minister of Ministers there in corpore salo, right? Through this saying, we learn that in a healthy body (of course) there is a strong soul.

Come on, also plant this matter to your children from an early age, one of which is by directing sports rutility.

When should we introduce you to exercise to children? "As young as possible, as quickly as possible," said the doctor. Michael Triangto, SpKO, Director of Slim & Health, Sport Therapy, at his clinic in West Jakarta.

From the start of Batita, children have been introduced by exercising. Of course, it is necessary to choose a type of exercise that fits his abilities only.

What is the ability of a child (batita) at that age? Do you run, throw, or jump? We see the development from time to time, children start walking well, run well, until they can run. Well, this expertise is what we develop after that so that physical activities become part of his life, "said the doctor. Michael.

After being able to do the things above, parents need to look at the child's attention.

Check whether children like to exercise games or exercise, not games. Examples of playing games are badminton, basketball, volleyball, tennis. Instead, exercising is not a game, such as athletics, swimming, throwing disks, playing hammers, and so on," the doctor recommended. Michael.

Generally, the selection of types of exercise is not only seen from the child's attention, but also the coordination skills he has. For example, for babies who have been able to catch and throw balls, basketball can be introduced. On the other hand, children who are good at passing and kicking balls firmly can be taught to play football.

Try everything!

Because the goal is solely to introduce sports, it is better for children to be given the opportunity to try all types of exercise. Not only helping children create their interests, this can also be a method so that the physical skills of toddlers continue to develop and are wide (infinite, ed.), "explained doctor Michael.

This sports health doctor who also practices at Mitra Keluarga Kemayoran Hospital narrates, a child who has only been introduced since childhood and carries out one sport, his skills in carrying out other movements are certainly very limited.

That's what parents sometimes don't pay attention to.

I had time to check the boxing athlete and told him to ride a bicycle, he couldn't! This can be an example, if from a young age only one type of exercise was introduced, until children tend to have difficulty carrying out other exercise movements, because the pattern in the brain and physically has been created firmly," added the doctor. Michael.

Don't Be Forced!

For children to always be enthusiastic when they are invited to exercise, you then force them to join the competition. Duh, training for competition is very different from training which is just exercising to have fun (region).

Or, even if the child likes sports, you raise the hours of training, or let alone, force him to become an athlete. Before carrying out that, first observe the child's expertise. What is there, later the child will be traumatized or injured because the weight of the training is very heavy.

When children's sports becomes more fond of eating or their sportsmanship continues to be formed, it seems that it is enough. Regarding those of you who want your child to be an athlete, it's a good idea to ask a special coach first.

Also, if your child is difficult to take for sports, don't label him as a lazy child. Because indeed not all children are born with high exercise attention, right. (Ester Sondang)

So after knowing when children should start exercising, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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