YOGYAKARTA - Archery is one of the sports that is favored to train concentration and accuracy. This sport is done by shooting arrows from the bow onto the firing target board. Although it seems easy, there are basic archery techniques that must be understood and controlled.

Although its existence is less than popular as other sports, archery also includes sports in competitions or Olympics. Archery can be done individually and in teams. The archery target consists of ten concentric circles and the point acquisition is calculated from the landing of arrows in the circle.

Archery is not done by pulling arrows at the bow and throwing them. There are basic archery techniques that must be controlled so that the arrow can land on target. If you don't know the technique, then your shot can fail to be deflected and deviates.

There are several movements that must be mastered in the basic techniques of archery, ranging from foot stances, inserting arrows into bows, holding ropes, pulling bows, to releasing arrows.

The following are basic archery techniques that beginners must know and study:

The first technique that you need to master is a ready standing position. Although it seems like a sepel, the standing position in archery has an important role. The position of the body and balance must be considered in archery because it affects direction and opens fire.

So you need to learn the ability to control the body's balance when focusing on targeting the target. You need to do this exercise regularly in order to further introduce the body's core muscles to balance and maintain stability when aiming and releasing arrows.

The next technique that you must master is to place arrows. Putting arrows on the bow should not be done carelessly because it affects the strength, stability, and accuracy of the shot. Because if the arrow is too loose it will interfere with the shooting process.

The placement of arrows between the fingers and above the arrow, which becomes the nocking. Ensure the position of the arrow's tail away from the side of the bow. The arrow's tail must have actually entered the bow's rope. Also make sure the arrow enters completely and the position is right on the nock.

You also need to understand the technique of holding arrows correctly. How to hold arrows and bows will determine the shot goes smoothly and precision, and avoid inaccuracies. This technique is done by placing or linking the finger on the rope after the position of the arrow, as well as the number point (arrow tail) has been properly installed.

You need to place the position of the finger on the rope and the bow rope on the first joint of the finger. Before releasing the arrow, check first the rope between the position of the finger and the nocking point is right. It is better to use a finger divider so that the position can be right and more relaxed.

The next technique that needs to be learned is to pull an arrow or drag. In this technique, the movement involves pulling the bow rope until the rope is in contact with the chin, lips, and nose. The hand is placed on the bow rope pulling on the chin.

This technique requires the following three processes:

Pre-draw: The initial stage of the movement to pull the rope is done by locking the joint of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist joints to prepare the arrow before pulling it.

Primary draw: The main stage after the pre-draw, namely the archer pulled the bow rope until it reached his chin, lips, and nose. When it was about to release arrows, this technique ended in an expansion position.

Secondary draw: Sometimes referred to as the second pull, namely the movement to withstand rope tensions while in a position of expansion.

The next technique is how to target and release a shot. This technique is carried out to accurately direct archery equipment towards the intended target. It is important to keep the archer's body position stable and immobile, so that the shot remains accurate.

After shooting, the next is the process of releasing the bow rope or doing a release. The way to do it is to relax the fingers used to pull the rope. This technique must be carried out with full force on the rope to prevent rope vibrations that can affect the accuracy of the shot.

Those are the basic archery techniques that must be controlled by beginner archers. To be able to master a number of techniques above, it is necessary to carry out regular and consistent exercises.

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