JAKARTA - The local organizing committee (LOC) of the FIBA World Cup 2023 is preparing steps to anticipate the density of visitors. This reflects on the first day which took place on Friday, August 25.
On the first day, 17,925 or almost 18 thousand spectators were present at the Bung Karno Gelora Indonesia Arena, Jakarta. In addition to being presented for the opening ceremony, the audience also witnessed a big party that brought Canada together with France.
"We are happy with the enthusiasm of the audience who want to watch the opening ceremony and big match, Canada vs France. Moreover, there are also many Latvian fans in the first game. Furthermore, in matches that play superior teams, such as Spain, Canada, France, and Latvia, we will arrange smoother audience movements," said Secretary General of the LOC FIBA World Cup 2023 Indonesia, Junas Miradiarsyah.
A total of 5,834 spectators watched the match between Latvia and Lebanon on Friday. This number is dominated by thousands of Latvian citizens who flew directly for 20 hours from their country to Indonesia.
Meanwhile, the big match between Canada and France was packed with 12,091 spectators, mostly Indonesians. The entire category of seats in the Indonesia Arena is fully occupied to watch NBA players act at the Indonesia Arena.
In order to anticipate the high interest from spectators entering the Indonesia Arena during the FIBA World Cup 2023 match interval, LOC prepared various scenarios for the next matches.
After the event, there was a long queue on the flow in and out of the audience simultaneously when the first game headed for the second game.
Anticipating this, the local committee or LOC will separate the in and outflows as well as open all exits.
Previously, in order to avoid obstacles to the stadium, the organizing committee had arranged so that there would be no or limiting cars from entering the GBK area. LOC also provides shuttle services with electric buses that can be used by FIBA World Cup 2023 viewers who have tickets.
This bus will tour the Gelora Bung Karno area. There are six electric bus pick-up points with routes starting and ending at the Gelora Bus Stop (Gate 11).
The shuttle service operation will start from August 25 to September 3, 2023. With operating hours on August 25, 2023, starting at 14.15 WIB - 00.30 WIB. Then, August 26 - September 3, 2023, at 14.45 WIB - 00.30 WIB. With an interval of 10-15 minutes at each pick-up point.
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