YOGYAKARTA - Short-distance running or what is often called sprints is the type of run with a distance of between 100 m and 400 m. In the competition, this short-distance run is often grouped into 3 numbers, namely running with a distance of 100 m, 200 m, and 400 m. So what is the short-distance running technique like?

Unlike marathon runs, short-distance types are more urgent for you to optimize speed, instead of adjusting the balance between running rhythms and energy. This is due to short-distance running, you are required to be able to deploy your optimal running speed from the start to finish.

Well, in carrying out short-distance running, there are 3 basic methods that you must study. The three basic methods are the starting method, the running-time method, and the method when entering the finish line.

Want to know more about the three very basic short-distance running ways? Follow the following explanation!

Start Engineering

universally, in the running competition there are 3 ways to start, namely starting to squat, starting to stand, and floating start. However, specifically for short-distance running, the way to start is how to start squatting.

There are also times when you take a squatting start, you can use 3 different squatting options, namely:

1. Start short (Women Start)

The short start procedure is done by technique of placing both hands with fingers forming the twisted letter V right behind the start line. After that, take a squatting position and then place your left foot in front of you, while the knee of your right leg is placed right next to your left leg with a distance of approximately one nail.

However, if you prefer to wear your right foot in front, then go ahead.

2. Middle start ( medium start)

The short start procedure is done by technique of placing both hands with fingers forming the twisted letter V right behind the start line. After that, take a squatting position and then place your left foot in front, while the knee of your right leg is placed right on the right heel of your left leg with a distance of approximately one nail.

However, if you prefer to wear your right foot in front, then go ahead.

3. Start long start)

The short start method is done by technique of placing both hands with fingers forming the twisted letter V right behind the start line. After that, take a squatting position and then place your left foot in front, while the knee of your right leg is placed behind your left leg with a distance of approximately one nail.

However, if you prefer to wear your right foot in front, then go ahead.

After knowing the three ways to start squatting above, you also need to recognize how the technique behaves when 3 kinds of signals are mentioned, namely those who are willing, ready, and starting / yes.

Well, to identify what you really have to live when you hear these three kinds of signals, here's the information:

"Aba" is "willing"

When you hear the signal 'Be Willing' from the referee/trainer, what you must do quickly is:

When you hear the signal'ready' from the referee/trainer, then what you must do quickly is:

Techniques on a run

After pursuing the way to start in short-distance, you also need to learn the techniques used when running. Here are some examples of methods that you can use when running short-distance sprints:

Engineering When Entering The Finish Line

To reach the finish line, there are 4 ways that you can use, namely:

So after knowing the short-distance running technique, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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