JAKARTA - The Chinese contingent is reportedly making closed preparations ahead of the Tokyo Olympics by making a number of scenarios of conditions in Japan so that athletes are ready for a match atmosphere that may be unexpected.

China, which ranks third in medal tally after the United States and Britain at the 2016 Rio Olympics, is determined to do better at the global sports expo that runs July 23 to August 8.

"By simulating the competition environment and designing the actual competition procedures, athletes will be better prepared to compete under high pressure," archery coach Pan Minrui told Xinhua, quoted by Antara from Reuters, Saturday, January 9.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) hopes spectators can attend the Olympics, but doubts remain especially after Tokyo went into a second state of emergency on Friday.

The Chinese gymnasts, however, have not missed any gaps in their preparations, Miao Zhongyi of the China Sports General Administration Gymnastics Management Center Director Miao Zhongyi said.

"All athletes also need to live and compete in a strict protocol environment during the Tokyo Olympics, so if they get used to such an environment they will have a psychological advantage in the arena," said Miao.

Chinese rowing and canoeing teams are training at Qiandao Lake in eastern China's Zhejiang province.

"Winter training is the most important period for physical training," said world doubles world champion Zhang Liang.

"We have (the agenda) of the Olympics and world championships in Shanghai this year. We have a tight schedule, which requires us to make full use of every winter training day to set a solid start to the year," he concluded.

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