The belly fat is one of the most common issues of weight gain. Here are 5 yoga settings that can help you get rid of stubborn belly fat. That means you have to learn the yoga movement to shrink your stomach...

We all dream of having a washing board stomach at some point. Although it seems difficult, belly fat is a common problem we might face. Before we learn how to tighten and strengthen our core through yoga, let's know the reason behind stubborn belly fat.

What reasons can cause you to accumulate belly fat? The accumulation of belly fat occurs for various reasons, which may include a poor diet, lack of exercise, and stress. Even your gene can be the reason behind all stubborn belly fat.

Certain genetics can make it more likely for you to have conditions like diabetes, or obesity though, it is a healthy lifestyle that eventually forms you. If you have unhealthy eating habits, irregular sleep patterns, and a lifestyle that doesn't move much, you are at risk of developing stomach obesity.

The belly fat is not only unhealthy, but it is also a very awkward area to bring fat. This extra weight can make you feel lethargic and lethargic. The most dangerous part of having belly fat is that you become susceptible to diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension," said Yoga Grand Master teacher Akshar.

With necessary lifestyle changes such as improving nutrition and increasing physical activity, you can lose that unwanted belly fat. And in this effort, yoga can help you.

Hold each other for 30 seconds each, and repeat up to three sets to see your stomach fat disappear.

The Bhati ship

In Sanskrit,'ship' means skull and 'hat' means'sinar/inframe'. Therefore, this prandiam ship is also known as the respiratory technique of a shining skull'.


Inhalation must occur automatically when you decompress your stomach.


Naukasana (pose boat)

Formation of posture


Respiratory Methodology

Taking a breath when you lift the body from the floor. Taking a breath and taking a normal breath if you hold the gun too long.

Vasishtasana (sideboard pose)

Formation of posture


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