YOGYAKARTA Field tennis equipment that is commonly known to the general public is tennis balls, trackets, and shoes. In fact, apart from the three equipment, there are still some equipment that can support tennis games.

As is known, field tennis is a type of small soccer game that is popular with many people. This sport requires a number of equipment to play it.

Tennis field is included in the sport of achievement. Therefore, it is not surprising that this sport likes many people. In addition, some people play tennis with the aim of getting a healthy body.

Before playing tennis on the pitch, there are a number of equipment you must have, such as rackets and tennis shoes.

The field tennis is played with a racket and a ball on a special field whose size is in accordance with the standards of the Indonesian Tennis Lawn (Pelti) and the International Tennis Federation of Federations of Federations of International Federations of Federations (ITF).

Compiled by VOI from various sources, here are a number of equipment that can support the tennis game of the field, including:

1. Tennis Racket

The court tennis counter is not the same as the racket for the badminton game. Either design, size, or material used to make one.

The standard size of the tennis racket is 69-71 cm. However, usually the size of the tennis racket is adjusted to the user's size. Some tennis players use longer rackets of 74 cm.

The majority of tennis rackets are made using oval-shaped wood on the head (head of the racket).

The size of the racket is usually adjusted to the user. However, the average standard size of the tennis racket is 69-71 cm.

2. Tennis Field

Under regulations from Pelti and ITF, the pitch used for the tennis championship has the following sizes:

In terms of types, tennis courts are divided into three types, namely:

3. Tennis ball

Tennis balls are balls made of rubber and coated with a special cloth made from nylon or wool.

Tennis balls have the following specifications:

4. Net tennis

Nets used for tennis play are made of thread. Net tennis courts are generally dark green or black.

The size of the net tennis field is as follows:

5. Field Tennis uniform

When playing tennis, you should wear a special uniform. This uniform is usually made of ingredients that absorb sweat easily

6. Field Tennis Shoes

To facilitate steps when playing tennis, use shoes that have a strong grip.

That's complete information about field tennis equipment.

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