MEDAN - Public testing of the national sports grand design continues to be carried out by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenpora RI). Thursday, November 12 morning, the Minister of Youth and Sports, Zainudin Amali, opened the grand public test of sports design at the JW Marriott Hotel, Medan, North Sumatra (Sumut). The Indonesian Menpora hopes that this public test can improve Indonesia's sports achievements. "If you don't have a grand national sports design, don't expect achievements or expectations. For that, when I was appointed as Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, I invited stakeholders, parties and related partners, let's make a grand national sports design and road map. important for achievement, "said the Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sport starting his remarks.

According to the Indonesian Menpora, sports achievements in several sports have been good. However, coating athletes are considered unable to compete with their seniors. For this reason, the development of early age athletes really needs to be prepared for future achievements.

"This good intention received support from Commission X DPR RI. I conveyed it at the meeting and agreed. Then we compiled it and we involved the central government, local governments, sports stakeholders, and others. So far, there have been great athletes, but no coatings. For that, we prepare athletes from an early age for the upcoming matches, "said the Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports.

Furthermore, the Indonesian Menpora explained, the grand design of this national sport is also a guide for the purpose of achieving achievements. Currently, the government is continuing to prepare itself to host the 2032 Olympics.

"It means, about twelve years from now we have to prepare. We have successfully hosted the 2018 Asian Games and Asian Para Games. With that experience we hope we can become the hosts. Apart from that, we also prepare achievements. So, what is missing. or if there is something to add as well as input, here we will convey it during a public test, "he explained.

The Governor of North Sumatra (Sumut) Edy Rahmayadi welcomed the grand public test for the national sports design. The governor, who once served as the General Chairperson of PSSI, thanked the Indonesian Minister of Youth and Sports for entrusting Medan as a venue for holding public trials for the grand design of Indonesian sports.

: This is very good for national sports, especially North Sumatra. Currently, we are preparing a Sport Center on an area of 300 hectares. We have prepared for both national and international sports facilities. Ground breaking has been done. We ask for support from the Minister of Youth and Sports and we are sure this will be successful, ”said Governor Edy.

Meanwhile, the Rector of the State University of Medan, Syamsul Gultom welcomed this public test. According to him, the grand design of sports is important for national sports achievements.

"This grand design is our reference for future programs. It seems necessary to test the public throughout Indonesia so that all elements can be understood. Hopefully this can bring sports progress at the national and international levels," said Syamsul.

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