JAKARTA - More than 1,000 athletes with disabilities from 11 countries in ASEAN will mutually confirm who is the best in the ASEAN Para Games. The spirit of the ASEAN Para Games is not just about competition, but the torch of brotherhood, humanity, and equality.

The implementation of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games in Solo is a substitute for the APG implementation in Vietnam. The reason is, that Vietnam has decided to withdraw due to the transmission of the COVID-19 pandemic which has risen again after the 31st SEA Games.

Indonesia with a wealth of experience finally volunteered to be the host. For this reason, to mark the return of sports parties for athletes with disabilities. This is because the previous edition was also not held by the Philippines in 2020 for various reasons, exacerbated by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Due to the absence of the championship, the government does not want disabled athletes who train all day long, their sweat dries up without anything to offer and be proud of.

Solo was finally appointed as the location of the match. Historical records and the culture of sports implementation inherent in the City of Solo are considered for appointment. In addition, the facilities that only need to be polished according to the needs of the athletes are an added value.

Despite having very limited time, the Secretary General of the ASEAN Para Sports Federation (APSF) Senior Colonel Wandee Tosuwan was amazed by the hard work and seriousness of the government in preparing everything related to the match.

During his visit, there have always been developments that continue to improve both in terms of preparation of the match location and other facilities. Finally, as many as 14 arenas that will be used for 14 sports are now ready to be used.

Same spirit

The implementation of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games is momentum to continue to improve the sports achievements of national disabled athletes. It is still fresh in my memory when Indonesia brought home nine medals in the Tokyo 2021 Paralympics.

The acquisition of these nine medals is a historical nick in the participation of Indonesian athletes with disabilities in national sports. At that time, the Indonesian contingent brought home two gold, three silver, and four bronze. The number is more than the achievements of the national athletes who competed in the Tokyo Olympics.

But the frenzy of patriotism for these disabled heroes is not as intense as his brother who fought in the Tokyo Olympics. Not to compare which one should be more praised and celebrated, but at least the same spirit should be equally passionate.

Apart from all that, the ASEAN Para Games in Solo highlight togetherness, brotherhood, and the spirit of never giving up in the midst of limitations.

This unyielding spirit is not only embedded in every athlete, including the organizing committee. The tight preparation plus a limited budget is a challenge in itself.

However, due to the cooperation of all cross-sectoral parties including the community, finally, the implementation of the ASEAN Para Games can be realized as evidenced by the readiness of facilities and accommodation in the midst of budget constraints.

According to the Deputy for Sports Achievement Improvement, Chandra Bhakti, this condition is the fruit of the spirit of collectivity and inclusiveness which is the spirit of the implementation of the ASEAN Para Games. Furthermore, the Government will also prepare the City of Solo as a training center for athletes with disabilities.

According to the plan, the PUPR Ministry will build several training facilities, design a roadmap for an integrated training area, and carry out competitions in stages for the regeneration of athletes.

Thus, this nation will have abundant athlete resources for the future. The regeneration process will also run naturally as the competition progresses, considering that achievement is the estuary of a systematic and sustainable development process from upstream to downstream.


The opening of the ASEAN Para Games will be held on Saturday at 19.00 WIB. at the Manahan Stadium, Solo, Central Java. Vice President Ma'ruf Amin will directly open the sporting event. As many as 10 thousand opening tickets were distributed to guests and the general public.

Free registration tickets for the public have been open since Wednesday, July 26 via Instagram @aseanpg2022. One day before the opening, all tickets were sold out. This shows that the enthusiasm of the community to enliven the event is very high.

However, several conditions must be met, such as participating in promoting the ASEAN Para Games through the Twibbon link and uploading their photos on their respective Instagrams. Meanwhile, for the sake of convenience and safety, the public must also have received the third dose of the vaccine.

The organizers of INASPOC promised to make a surprise at the opening of the ASEAN Para Games. Especially for the Indonesian contingent, will wear various batik motifs in the parade opening ceremony for the ASEAN Para Games.

INASPOC wants the implementation of the 2022 ASEAN Para Games to be memorable and imprint on the hearts of all contingents and the public.

Of course, not only impressed by ceremonial things, but further, than that, the ASEAN Para Games proves that the Indonesian people are very open, respect each other, and embrace every difference.

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