JAKARTA - Indonesian mixed doubles, Praveen Jordan/Melati Daeva Oktavianti advanced to the last 16 of the Indonesia Open 2022, Wednesday, June 15. The result was achieved after successfully rolling the representative of Scotland, Adam Hall / Julie Macpherson.

In the match at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Parveen/Melati wrapped up the win in 30 minutes. This mixed doubles closed the meeting with a 21-6 and 21-18 victory.

Praveen said the Scottish pair had made it difficult for them because they changed the pattern of the game in the second game. However, Praveen/Melati immediately responded quickly.

Good communication is the key for Praveen/Melati to overcome the situation and close the match with a win.

"They changed the pattern of the game in the second game, so it was a bit crowded," Praveen said after the game. "However, we communicate and respond quickly so we can deal with it."

Previously, the performance of Praveen / Melati was highlighted because it was considered to have decreased. Communication problems were blamed as the ringleader. It seems that the problem has been resolved.

"From a communication perspective, it's been good, that's the most important thing for us," he continued.

After defeating the Scottish pair, then Praveen/Melati will fight the winner of the duel between representatives of Malaysia Choong Hon Jian/Peck Yen Wei vs Chan Tang Jie/Valeree Siow on the same day.

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