JAKARTA - Mike Tyson is in great shape for a 55-year-old boxing retiree. But, can he be a basketball player?
Yes, it seems Tyson thought so as he tossed a basketball into the hoop with ease while smoking a cigarette.
"Brooklyn Nets, I'm up for a 10 day contract," Tyson said on Instagram.
Tyson was born in Brooklyn, New York City where he grew up and made his name as a boxer.
During his heyday, Tyson was known as The Baddest Man on the Planet and still holds the record for the youngest boxer to win a heavyweight title.
But, of course, the words 'Iron' Mike said to the Brooklyn Nets were just a joke.
But, if the club was interested in Tyson's proposal. What position will this man who once bit Evander Holyfield's ear take, do you think?
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