JAKARTA – The war between Russia and Ukraine is now taking its toll on members of the Manchester United (MU) fan group based in Kyiv.

The member of the MU supporters group is named Aleksander Kukin. He is a figure who played a major role in the formation of the Kyiv Reds, which is one of the biggest superter communities of The Red Devils in Ukraine.

Manchester United, who heard the sad news, immediately paid tribute to Kukin. They said they were "deeply saddened" by the news and would try to support the family.

"We extend our sincere condolences to those who have lost and our best wishes for their recovery, as they come into contact with this horrific incident," United wrote on their club website, quoted by BBC Sport.

The Kyiv Reds said in a statement that Kukin died after his car was shot by Russian troops. Luckily his wife and daughter survived the tragic incident and are currently in hospital for surgery.

During the war between Russia and Ukraine, Kukin never lost his enthusiasm for watching the matches played by Manchester United. That enthusiasm can be seen from a photo when he enjoyed MU's 4-2 victory over Leeds United a few weeks before he died.

A Red Devils supporter in Ukraine named Ivan described Kukin on Twitter as a great man.

"He used to take me to games at the local pub in Kyiv and drove me home after midweek games when I was a kid," Ivan said.

Kukin eater was done with the feel of Manchester United. Several memories with Manchester United were placed in his coffin as a symbol of his love for this club.

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