JAKARTA - The excitement was shown by two young Indonesian players with careers in Europe, Egy Maulana Vikri and Witan Sulaeman. In the midst of the busy schedule of FK Senica's matches, both of them took their free time to play badminton.

This can be seen from Egy Maulana's latest upload on his Instagram Story. On Thursday, March 3, Slovakia time, Egy shared his activities while playing badminton with Witan.

As an athlete, sportsmanship is a moral that must be upheld by these two players. Egy, who seemed to have won in the badminton match, recorded Witan with his cell phone who was serving a punishment in the form of push-ups.

In his upload, Egy also pinned an apology and a joke to his colleague.

"Sorry for today witi," wrote Egy in English while attaching a laughing emoji and Witan's account, @witansulaiman.

Source: Instagram.com/@egymaulanavikri

Apart from this exciting action outside the world of football, Egy and Witan only recently joined the same club. Egy first wore the uniform of FK Senica then in January last year Witan followed him to Slovakia.

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